Saturday, December 2, 2023

Spiritual Blindness / Walking In Darkness / Ontologically / From Birth / Unable to See

I reached out to Leighton Flowers through Facebook Messenger March of 2021 and sent him this response regarding one of his videos to his assertion that sinful man is not born spiritually blind. To this day, he has not replied back. Unfortunately, he continues to speak falsehoods.

Scripturally, walking in DARKNESS corresponds with being BLIND (roman's 2:19, 1 john 2:11). Both walking in darkness and being blind constitutes as being UNABLE to SEE and understand spiritually the things of God. This truth stands in stark CONTRAST to those who walk in the LIGHT and have EYES TO SEE. Sinful man born at birth comes out of his mother's womb as to walk in darkness; therefore comes out the womb of his mother spiritually blind. If you say otherwise, then you will be falsely suggesting that sinful man at birth comes out of his mother's womb walking in Light; and in order for that to be true, you will also be falsely suggesting that sinful man at birth comes out of the womb as already born again, regenerated, and saved, for this is what it means as to "walk in the light". But this can not be case, for NO ONE comes out of the womb at birth already WALKING IN THE LIGHT or REGENERATED. 

In addition, sinful man from birth who inevitably walks in darkness does so because of his nature; that being of the 'old man' who is enslaved to sin and the sinful desires of the flesh IN CONTRAST to the 'new man' with a new nature who is enslaved to righteousness and has the power and ability to mortify the deeds of the flesh BY THE SPIRIT; a privilege the "old man" doesn't have because of his nature being void of the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit IN MAN or NOT that is the dividing line between the two natures; that being IN CHRIST having the Spirit or IN ADAM without the Spirit. On one hand, the unbeliever being represented as the 'old man' can ONLY obey sin, unrighteousness, and the sinful desires of the flesh and therefore by default 'walks in darkness and is spiritually blind' BUT on the other hand, the believer by distinction has been freed from the power and enslavement of sin and the flesh desires and therefore can now freely obey the Spirit and righteousness; even though at times may yield themselves to the desires of the flesh whether it be momentarily or for a season. Nevertheless, the believer has been freed from the power of sin and have the power to obey as to 'walk in the light having eyes to see'.

Point being, the 'old man' can only obey sin and the 'new man' has been freed from only obeying sin but now righteousness as well. This fact, is due to the difference in the 'old and new mans' nature. The 'old man' can ONLY bear fruit unto death and the 'new man' bears fruit unto God. Nonetheless, both bears fruit - be it ACCORDING to their NATURE. The "nature" of any individual newly born is that of the "old man" or unbeliever; therefore they come out of their mother's womb as to "walk in darkness" AKA spiritually blind! 

Spiritually Blind from Birth! Leighton is once again wrong, according to the scriptures.

By Aaron Fisher

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