There are many Christians who deny God's sovereign prerogative to save whom He will while passing over the rest of mankind for salvation according to an eternal decree. For example, in Romans 8 the Apostle Paul speaks of those of whom God foreknew. However, instead of following the authors line of intent, reasoning and argument according to the immediate surrounding context; many Christians tend to leave the text at hand altogether as to import an entirely other context from elsewhere in order to manipulate the passage as to make it say something the author never intended it to say. The goal is to refute any kind of argument within the text regarding an eternal decree by God to save a particular people unto Himself.
But simply, follow the context. Paul had already stated that "we know that for those who love God all things work together for those who are called according to His purpose" in light of our sufferings at this present time to which he spoke of previously (romans 8:18). Well, what purpose would that be? As to be fellow heirs with Christ, provided that we SUFFER with Him (8:16-17). So, when Paul speaks of those God foreknew; He was speaking in regards to the 'fellow heirs' with Christ. The context is in regards to their suffering (romans 8:17-27); for those who are in Christ Jesus; the Church, having been sealed by the Spirit - not the Saints of old - for the "saints of old" are not of the Church as in the "one new man" to which Paul was addressing nor did the "saints of old" obtain the "sealing of the Spirit" which is unique only to the Church of God (romans 8:1 and ephesians 1:13-14).
This is why Paul follows up with - "for those whom God foreknew he also predestined to be CONFORMED to the image of His Son" (vs 29). The "being conformed to the bodily resurrected image of His Son" is in relation to "provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be GLORIFIED with Him" (vs 17). The "us being glorified" AND "being conformed to the image of God's Son" are in conjunction with one another (8:17 and 8:29). This is the context. Mind you, the fellow heirs of Christ (romans 8:17) were predestined before the foundation of the world to obtain such an inheritance (ephesians 1:11). These are the very ones that Paul speaks of regarding God having "foreknew" (8:29) NOT the "saints of old". Therefore, those whom God foreknew (in relation to the Church as to obtain this inheritance); He foreknew them before the foundation of the world! In short, God foreknew those He predestined before creation to obtain an inheritance provided that we - the Church as a body; suffer with Him in order to be likewise glorified with Him. This is the proper context.
And Lastly, those who also deny that these passages are not in reference to salvation or a "soteriological perspective" simply do not understand Paul's intent nor understand the context. The very one's "predestined" to be conformed to the image of His Son were predestined before the foundation of the world because this was at the very 'time' when God foreknew them as a people or corporate body. Therefore, the salvation of those whom God had predestined before creation to be "conformed" was inevitable; seeing that the decree was given beforehand as to sonship and/or the redemption of our bodies.
In summary; according to the immediate context - those of whom God "foreknew" (vs 29) ARE the "heirs of promise" (vs 17) provided that we suffer with Christ. Mind you, according to EPHESIANS 1:4-5 and 11; the "heirs of promise" was foreknown by the Father before the foundation of the world. The Book of Romans is not saying anything different than the Book of Ephesians has likewise stated in regards to whom exactly did God foreknow. God foreknew those whom He predestined before the foundation of the world as sons to Himself - those "in Christ" - the Church; not the saints of old.
By Aaron Fisher
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