Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The TWO NATURE'S of MANKIND (the old and new man).

The nature or constitution of man consist of two different classes of humanity (1) one being, those who are 'in Adam' as unbelievers from birth and the other; (2) those who are 'in Christ' as born again believers deriving from a supernatural rebirth. Scripture also describes those who are 'in Adam' as the 'old man', possessing an inherit nature and sharing the sinful characteristics of Adam from a fallen state (genesis 5:3). In a similar fashion, Scripture also describes those who are 'in Christ' as having obtained a new nature possessing the righteous characteristics of the 'new man' which is found in Christ.

However, there remains an obvious and glaring DIVIDING LINE between the 'old man' and the 'new man' - this dividing line is the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit either IN MAN or NOT that is the dividing line between the two natures of man; that being IN CHRIST having the Spirit or IN ADAM without the Spirit.

Since the Holy Spirit is the "dividing line" between the two nature's of mankind, let's now look at a few characteristics of both.

For example:

The 'old man', because of his nature can only do what his nature allows him to do; he is indeed confined. The old man or unbeliever can only obey sin and not righteousness (romans 6:12-14, 16-19). Furthermore, the old man only obeys the cravings of the flesh and following it's desires and thoughts because of the power and control of sin in his body (ephesians 2:3). Sin and it's control and power is the 'old mans' Master (romans 6:14). Sin REIGNS in the 'old mans' mortal body therefore making the unbeliever obey it's passions (romans 6:12). The flesh alone serves only the Law of sin (romans 7:25). Man born of the flesh is born sinful by his very nature. We are born with a SINFUL NATURE being that of the 'old man'. And by our very nature from birth, we are considered children/sons of disobedience deserving wrath (ephesians 2:3, galatians 2:15) - and just why is that? Because we are born with a nature that can ONLY and WILL inevitably sin leading to death apart from the initial unilateral saving work and grace of God.

However, in regards to the New Man and his nature, he is not confined to only obey sin and what the flesh desires but he has been freed from the power and enslavement of sin and what the flesh desires and therefore can now freely obey righteousness by the Spirit of God in him.

For example:

The 'new man' because of his new nature is not only free to obey sin but now righteousness as well, a privilege the 'old man' does not share. Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 corinthians 3:17). The 'new man' according to his nature is comprised of those who are to be found 'In Christ'. They are those who have been born again by the Spirit of God. These born again believers or the 'new man' serve or obey God in a new way according to the Spirit and not by the Letter of the Law that is according to the flesh (romans 7:6). Having become slaves of righteousness and set free from sin, the 'new man' has now become obedient from the heart whereas the 'old man' was by nature stubborn and disobedient from the heart (romans 2:5), seeing that he was enslaved to sin according to his nature and can only obey unrighteousness (romans 6:17-19). Lastly, the 'new man' with a new nature who is now enslaved to righteousness having become born again has the power and ability to mortify the deeds of the flesh BY THE SPIRIT; another privilege the "old man" doesn't possess because of his nature being void of the Spirit; this being a distinct difference between the two nature's. The 'new man' shares in Christ Divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) and obviously, the 'old man' does not.

Point being, without sounding redundant - the 'old man' can only obey sin and the 'new man' has been freed from only obeying sin but now righteousness as well. This fact, is due to the difference in the 'old and new mans' nature. The 'old man' can ONLY bear fruit unto death, the 'new man' bears fruit unto God; both bears fruit, be it ACCORDING to their NATURE.

By Aaron Fisher.

Christ, a failure if He died on behalf of everyone without exception? (Jesus death and role as High Priest are necessarily connected).

If Christ died for "everyone without exception" - It would indeed make Him a failure because his intercession as High Priest before and after His death (john 17:1-2, 10-11, romans 8:33-34, hebrews 2:16-18) as it relates to salvation would indeed be found unsuccessful if His death was intended to benefit everyone without exception seeing that everyone will not be saved. But according to Scripture, this is not the case. Christ intercessory work on behalf of His sheep before their salvation (john 17:20-24) and after salvation (romans 8:33-34, hebrews 2:16-18) is an effectual intercessory work on behalf of those given to Him from the Father; not everyone without exception. Everyone that Christ intercedes for will inevitably come to saving faith. Jesus could NEVER lose any of all those He intercedes for; it is an IMPOSSIBILITY (John 6:39). Jesus came down from Heaven to do the will of the Father and He accomplished this task that was given to Him on behalf of the Father's Elect and His very own sheep (john 6:38-39, 17:4, and 19:30). If Jesus died for everyone, that would imply His intercession as High Priest fails for whom it was intended (if all without exception); this is also an impossibility. Jesus does not intercede for those who were not given to Him

However, Christ is a High Priest ONLY toward the Children of Abraham (hebrews 2:16-17, john 8:37-47). The Children of Abraham are the Children of Promise and the Children of Promise are God's Elect and God's Elect are the Son's Sheep. Christ prayed BEFORE HIS DEATH on behalf of those given to Him from the Father (john 17:1-2, 10-11) so that AFTER HIS DEATH, those things He prayed for BEFORE HIS DEATH may indeed come to pass seeing that He accomplished all that the Father had given Him to do in regard to the work of redemption on their behalf - IT IS FINISHED.

Seeing that Christ intercessory work as High Priest is an effectual work, it is an impossibility for Him not to fulfill His Father's commission. Christ always does and fulfills the will of the Father. Indeed, the Son will lose none of all that was given to Him but raise them up on the last day. A KEY POINT - Jesus death and role as High Priest are necessarily related and cannot be seperated; He only intercedes for those He died for; therefore, resulting in the inevitable salvation of those who were given to Him - seeing that the Father will always honor the prayers of the Son for the Father ALWAYS hears the Son and the Son ALWAYS does what pleases the Father (john 8:29, john 11:42).

By Aaron Fisher 

Friday, November 19, 2021

It is the Spirit, that gives Life.

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. - JOHN 6:63

Sinful man according to his flesh alone profits no spiritual good. That which is born of flesh is strictly flesh! It is the Spirit that gives life (makes one alive) in order that they, those who come to Christ after being born again may truly understand spiritual truths. This is why the Jews primarily took offense, because they could not discern spiritual truths that Christ spoke (john 6:25-65). The carnal man in his flesh cannot comprehend things pertaining to the Spirit (1 corinthians 2:14) but the one who has the Spirit in him from being born again now has the ability to understand the thoughts of God (1 corinthians 2:11-13). You won't and cannot believe apart from being made alive.



In verse 63, Jesus spoke truth saying, It is the Holy Spirit that makes one alive and the flesh to which men are born profits no spiritual good. He spoke of the flesh as having no help at all regarding the words He spoke. For He continues to say in verse 63, the words He spoke to the disciples following Him are of the Spirit of God or of God who is Spirit and pertain to spiritual life. He was stating a theological truth that man according to his flesh alone cannot ascertain spiritual truths. Spiritual truths are only understood by the Spirit or in essence, regeneration. In verse 64, Christ states, that there were some of them who did not believe. And finally in verse 65, He reiterates what He has already said in verse 44; that - "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.” In other words, no can come to the Son unless (IT) has been granted to him by the Father - to come and believe on the Son. What is being granted is the ability to hear and learn from the Father by way of spiritual life or being made alive. Prior to this ability being granted, sinful man is unable (DUNAMI, verse 44 and 65) to come to Christ and believe - this ability has to be granted. And it is only granted to those given to the Son from the Father.

THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE are for  only those who were PROMISED ETERNAL LIFE beforehand; Christ SHEEP!

By Aaron Fisher

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Libertarian Free Will?

*Libertarian Free Will robs God of the glory that's due Him alone*. 

Free Will makes the creature a sovereign (god) unto himself for a sinful heart is by default prideful taking after it's father, the Devil (john 8:44-45 and ezekiel 28:2) who was first to lift himself up in pride before God - wanting to exalt himself even above his Creator. (isaiah 14:12-17, and 2 thessalonians 2:3-4). Just as Satan desires to exalt himself in pride above his creator, then by default so does his children; the sons of disobedience - for they both share in a nature that's evil. However, God has ensured that no creature shall boast in His presence by decreeing all things beforehand that will take place, so that the sinful creature can't take credit for anything that God has ALREADY predetermined to take place for His OWN glory; even salvation. 

Libertarian Free Will is a false teaching. Whether, a believer or unbeliever, regenerate or unregenerate; it nonetheless DOES NOT matter - NO ONE is libertarianly free; for NO ONE is ultimately free from God's eternal Decree regarding His eternal purposes!

By Aaron Fisher

Thursday, October 28, 2021

For As Many As Received Christ ..... - john 1:12

Those who received Christ, were those who were born, not of blood nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man but God. In other words, the phrase, "who were born, not of blood nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man but God" - is a QUALIFYING statement. The phrase  actually LIMITS or RESTRICTS those who actually received Christ. For it is NOT saying, everyone without exception could receive Him but ONLY those who were ....... born of God.

John 1:12, is also NOT saying that those who received Christ were born of God AFTER receiving Him - as most interpret this text but just the opposite being born of God PRIOR TO receiving Him.

Furthermore, and in context - 

Those who received Christ (John 1:12) did not hate the light which is Christ (John 3:20). In fact, scripture testifies that those who come to the Light are only proving that their deeds according to their faith were carried out in God (John 3:21). 

And if their deeds were carried out in God it only also proves that they too were born of God before they received Him (John 3:21). Because if those who received Christ (John 1:12) did NOT hate the light, which is Christ and was neither practicing evil deeds (John 3:20) BUT yet was practicing the truth BEFORE they came to the Light, which is Christ - then this fact solidifies my argument that those who received Christ in John 1:12 only did so because they were born of God first; BEFORE receiving Him! 


How can a person receive Christ and not only hate Him who is the Light but at the same time be partaking in evil deeds while coming to Him? They can't and they won't. They are still UNREPENTANT. The scriptures clarify those who actually come to Christ; those who are already practicing truth regarding the Word of the Lord and have sustained from practicing evil deeds - for these are the ones who were ALREADY born of God BEFORE coming to Christ. This same fact is also shared in John 6 involving those who are granted by the Father to come and believe in Christ AFTER being MADE ALIVE (john 6:63).

Conclusion; Those who received Christ, thus believed upon Him were doing what was right before coming to the Light, which is Christ - demonstrating their deeds according to their Faith were brought about in God because they were born of God PRIOR to them receiving His Son.

But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.  - John 1:12-13

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever practice the truth comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God. - John 3:19-21

By Aaron Fisher

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

God's Meticulous Sovereign Governance of All Things.

God meticulously governs "all things" that he upholds, by the word of His power (hebrews 1:3) and He meticulously governs the "all things" which He upholds for every generation of people (psalm 33:10-11) to a specific and designated end unto which He has already predetermined, for example (matthew 5:18, acts 15:18, isaiah 46:9-10, isaiah 42:8-9, jeremiah 23:20, and jeremiah 30:24, romans 11:36, revelation 4:11). 

The eternal purposes of God is the plan of God established before creation; all evolving around Christ, the Sacrificial Lamb that was foreknown by the Father.  God's meticulous governance includes ALL THINGS and within the ALL THINGS is humanity; both the righteous and the unrighteous and their final destiny - whether that may be Heaven or Hell; all is meticulously governed by a sovereign Creator for His own Glory through His Son, Jesus Christ.

The verses I have given demonstrate that God has a definite end goal in mind and that ALL things that were created by Him were created also for Him (matthew 5:18, acts 15:18, isaiah 46:9-10, isaiah 42:8-9, jeremiah 23:20, and jeremiah 30:24, romans 11:36, and revelation 4:11).

And in reaching this end goal, God meticulously governs ALL things as He uphold ALL things to reach this predetermined end. However, because no one can thwart His eternal purposes; therefore no on will be able to boast and share in His glory regarding all His works (Acts 15:18).

Seemingly, under a system that denies God's meticulous governance; sinful man could be able to boast before the Lord because man will not be totally dependent upon God but himself being able to do other than what God has predetermined because he is not under the sovereign control of His Creator. Without meticulous governance, sinful man will become or would be seen as a god unto himself after his father; the Devil - in an attempt to also exalt himself above and apart from the control of his Maker in the same fashion  (john 8:44-45, ezekiel 28:2 and acts 12:21-23).

Divine Meticulous Determinism is absolutely Biblical. God has planned beforehand what will ultimately come to pass according to an eternal decree. Genesis through Revelation lays out God's revealed plan but some things are kept secret in regards to His purposes of which we are not privy to but nonetheless they remain as predetermined - for His own glory; not man's. If one wants to continue to argue that man has "free will" - then they would have to biblically explain how can man's so called "free will" exist and not jeopardize the fulfillment of God's Covenants which are NOT dependant upon man to fulfill but rather God's promise to fulfill inspite of man's actions. Let God be true and every man be found as a liar!

~ Known to God from eternity are all His works - Act 15:18

By Aaron Fisher