Saturday, October 30, 2021

Libertarian Free Will?

*Libertarian Free Will robs God of the glory that's due Him alone*. 

Free Will makes the creature a sovereign (god) unto himself for a sinful heart is by default prideful taking after it's father, the Devil (john 8:44-45 and ezekiel 28:2) who was first to lift himself up in pride before God - wanting to exalt himself even above his Creator. (isaiah 14:12-17, and 2 thessalonians 2:3-4). Just as Satan desires to exalt himself in pride above his creator, then by default so does his children; the sons of disobedience - for they both share in a nature that's evil. However, God has ensured that no creature shall boast in His presence by decreeing all things beforehand that will take place, so that the sinful creature can't take credit for anything that God has ALREADY predetermined to take place for His OWN glory; even salvation. 

Libertarian Free Will is a false teaching. Whether, a believer or unbeliever, regenerate or unregenerate; it nonetheless DOES NOT matter - NO ONE is libertarianly free; for NO ONE is ultimately free from God's eternal Decree regarding His eternal purposes!

By Aaron Fisher

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