Wednesday, October 27, 2021

God's Meticulous Sovereign Governance of All Things.

God meticulously governs "all things" that he upholds, by the word of His power (hebrews 1:3) and He meticulously governs the "all things" which He upholds for every generation of people (psalm 33:10-11) to a specific and designated end unto which He has already predetermined, for example (matthew 5:18, acts 15:18, isaiah 46:9-10, isaiah 42:8-9, jeremiah 23:20, and jeremiah 30:24, romans 11:36, revelation 4:11). 

The eternal purposes of God is the plan of God established before creation; all evolving around Christ, the Sacrificial Lamb that was foreknown by the Father.  God's meticulous governance includes ALL THINGS and within the ALL THINGS is humanity; both the righteous and the unrighteous and their final destiny - whether that may be Heaven or Hell; all is meticulously governed by a sovereign Creator for His own Glory through His Son, Jesus Christ.

The verses I have given demonstrate that God has a definite end goal in mind and that ALL things that were created by Him were created also for Him (matthew 5:18, acts 15:18, isaiah 46:9-10, isaiah 42:8-9, jeremiah 23:20, and jeremiah 30:24, romans 11:36, and revelation 4:11).

And in reaching this end goal, God meticulously governs ALL things as He uphold ALL things to reach this predetermined end. However, because no one can thwart His eternal purposes; therefore no on will be able to boast and share in His glory regarding all His works (Acts 15:18).

Seemingly, under a system that denies God's meticulous governance; sinful man could be able to boast before the Lord because man will not be totally dependent upon God but himself being able to do other than what God has predetermined because he is not under the sovereign control of His Creator. Without meticulous governance, sinful man will become or would be seen as a god unto himself after his father; the Devil - in an attempt to also exalt himself above and apart from the control of his Maker in the same fashion  (john 8:44-45, ezekiel 28:2 and acts 12:21-23).

Divine Meticulous Determinism is absolutely Biblical. God has planned beforehand what will ultimately come to pass according to an eternal decree. Genesis through Revelation lays out God's revealed plan but some things are kept secret in regards to His purposes of which we are not privy to but nonetheless they remain as predetermined - for His own glory; not man's. If one wants to continue to argue that man has "free will" - then they would have to biblically explain how can man's so called "free will" exist and not jeopardize the fulfillment of God's Covenants which are NOT dependant upon man to fulfill but rather God's promise to fulfill inspite of man's actions. Let God be true and every man be found as a liar!

~ Known to God from eternity are all His works - Act 15:18

By Aaron Fisher

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