Thursday, October 19, 2023

Christ "tasted death" for everyone? What does the Scriptures actually say?

One of the most popular verse of Scripture used by those attempting to justify an unlimited atonement is Hebrews 2:9

But we see him [Christ] who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

But those who attempt to use this verse to justify such a position has gravely misinterpreted the writers thoughts and intentions pertaining to this particular verse by destroying the context to which it is being applied. There needs to be initially a careful study of the entire book of Hebrews in order for one to rightly divide it's worded contents and author's intentions as to what he is trying to specifically convey.

In my study, why "tasting death" for everyone is NOT a reference to "all people" without exception in Hebrews 2:9 but rather "all people" for whom Jesus suffered death for (Hebrews 2:9-13); even unto the Cross. Contextually, according to the Book of Hebrews; this would be - (1) many sons *2:10* (2) all those given to the son from the Father *2:13* (3) Christ brothers *2:12* (4) offspring of Abraham *2:16* (5) heirs of promise *6:17* (6) eternal source of Salvation for all those who obey Him *5:9* (7) those who draw near to God *7:25* (8) those who are called *9:15* (9) those whom Jesus made propitiation for their sins *2:17* (10) Christ sheep *13:20* and (11) those whom God would forgive according to the promise of the New Covenant *8:6-13*. Christ "tasted death" for a specific group of people!

If Jesus "tasted death" for everyone without exception then He is everyone's Interceding High Priest for Christ obedience, even unto His death on the Cross, exalted him to this position of highest honor and crowned with glory - that being of an Eternal High Priest according to Hebrews 2:9-18.

And if Christ "tasted death" for everyone then He is presumably also their Eternal High Priest - and as a result "everyone" would be saved for it was through His suffering, that Christ would not only be made the founder of their Salvation (those whom He tasted death for) but as an Eternal High Priest, their Salvation would be unmistakably effectual and inevitable; because, according to Scripture, Christ as High Priest is a High Priest of the NEW COVENANT(after the order of Melchizedek). The New Covenant is an Unconditional Covenant. This Covenant was unconditional in the sense that it was SOLEY based upon what God would UNILATERALLY do and fulfill or bring to pass and NOT according to ANYTHING that man would do or contribute to. The New Covenant and the fulfilment of it is NOT based upon man's performance and/or obedience! God PROMISED and took it upon Himself to provide a means for sinful man to be made right with God. What man COULD NOT do for himself - in particular, obey what God would command him to do; God would soley do, by replacing the 'old stubborn heart of stone' with a 'new compliant heart of flesh' ACCORDING TO the PROMISE of the New Covenant! The New Covenant also "unconditionally" provided for "forgiveness of sins."  This is why when Hebrews speaks of Christ atonement/propitiation (Hebrews 2:17, 8:10-12, 10:15-17), it is a REMOVAL of GOD'S WRATH UNCONDITIONALLY in spite of what sinful man does or to be more specific - in spite of what sins God's Elect will commit. God ultimately passes over the sins of His Chosen Ones! God NEVER intends to bestow His wrath of judgement upon those whom He has foreloved and promised Eternal Life to before creation. The removal of God's wrath is the means for forgiveness of sins provided for by the promise of the New Covenant.

So, if Jesus "tasted death" on the Cross for everyone then everyone would be saved for Jesus death exalted him to the position of an Eternal High Priest and as High Priest; His intercessory work is by necessity EFFECTUAL seeing that Christ is both Shepherd of His Sheep AND High Priest of the very SAME sheep - meaning that, ALL who Christ intercedes for will INEVITABLY come to a saving faith (John 17, Hebrews 2:10-12 & 17, 5:1-10, 9:11-15)!

However, the Scriptures DO NOT speak of a potential"universal atonement" based upon man's "free will". On the contrary, Christ "tasted death" for all those whom He would suffer death for. He suffered for those whom He would ultimately intercede for as High Priest. And as an Eternal High Priest, Christ intercessory work is EFFECTUAL for all those given to Him from the Father. All those given to Christ from the Father, are those for whom propitiation is made. Heirs according to promise are the Children of Promise, and the Children of Promise are the Elect/Sheep; a particular called out group of people chosen before the creation of the world. Christ, according to the New Covenant, is the Shepherd of the Sheep but ALSO the Eternal High Priest of the SAME New Covenant EFFECTUALLY bringing many "sons and brothers" to glory of those that the Father has given Him from eternity past!

Conclusion: In short, Christ tasted death for everyone whom He suffered death for; and those whom He suffered death for (Hebrews 2:14,16,17, 9:15) are (1) The Father's children given to Christ, (2) offspring of Abraham (3) Christ brethren, who are also the spiritual offspring of Abraham, (4) and those CALLED to be Heirs of Promise.


But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the SUFFERING OF DEATH, so that by the grace of God he might TASTE DEATH FOR EVERYONE.

For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in BRINGING MANY SONS TO GLORY, should make the FOUNDER OF THEIR SALVATION PERFECT THROUGH SUFFERING.For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is NOT ASHAMED TO CALL THEM BROTHERS, saying,

in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.”

And again, “I will put my trust in him.”

And again, “Behold, I and the CHILDREN GOD HAS GIVEN ME.”


1) The SUFFERING unto DEATH in verse 9 is in connection to Christ tasting death for EVERYONE

2) The same SUFFERING in verse 10 is in connection to Christ and His sufferings attributed to the MANY SONS on their behalf and Him being the founder of their (MANY SONS) salvation.

3) Christ is NOT ASHAMED to call them (MANY SONS) BROTHERS

4) Christ BROTHERS and the Father's MANY SONS are one and the same people; therefore, those whom Christ is not ashamed of and those whom He SUFFERED DEATH for are also the SAME ONES He TASTED DEATH for (verse 9 & 10).

5) Christ TASTED DEATH for the Father's MANY SONS and His BROTHERS!

6) Christ BROTHERS are those GIVEN TO HIM from the FATHER (verse 13)

7) Christ COULD NOT have possibly tasted death for EVERYONE without exception for He suffered death ONLY for the MANY SONS who are Christ BROTHERS (verse 10). And if Christ suffered death only for the MANY SONS who are His BROTHERS then He also TASTED DEATH - ONLY for the MANY SONS and His BROTHER'S. If Christ BROTHERS were given to Him from the Father; then How could Christ taste death for everyone and at the same time suffer death ONLY for His BROTHERS; who were given to Him by the Father? Unless you're prepared to argue that everyone without exception is given to Christ from the Father then you have no sound exegetical argument and have definitely misinterpreted the text. Christ cannot suffer death for an exclusive group of people and at the same time taste death inclusively for everyone; for Christ tasting of death and His suffering of death are synonymous - He tasted death by way of His suffering of death.

8) Christ DID NOT taste death for everyone without exception but ONLY for those given to Him from the Father


In short, the writer of Hebrews qualifies the "everyone" whom Christ tasted death for - and it is the Children of God the Father given to the Son; NOT "everyone" without exception! Christ tasted death for everyone of all that was given to Him by the Father! Let's us continually strive to keep Scripture in it's proper context to avoid falling into doctrinal error by rightfully dividing the Word of God!

By Aaron Fisher..

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