Saturday, January 20, 2024

Doomed from the Womb? (A short response to Leighton Flowers, Warren McGrew, and Jordan Hatfield).


The issue is not whether the "non elect" are "doomed from the womb" as the scriptures essentially claim (romans 9:22) but more importantly; the main question at hand should be - would God be 'just' in sending the soul of a newborn infant into Hell? The answer to this question is YES. God is not obligated to save anyone. Although, scripture has revealed that He has indeed determined to obligate Himself to save a particular people for His own glory in order to display His mercy and glorious grace. Therefore, if every newborn who dies at birth has somehow escaped condemnation as a sinner; then ultimately, every newborn who dies at birth must be considered among God's elect in order for this to be true. 

And even though, scripture teaches that apart from God's election beforehand, no one can be saved; at the same time; the scripture nonetheless nowhere claims that every newborn infant who dies at birth must be considered saved; for everyone that shall be saved has been given to the Son from the Father as God's elect before creation. 

Therefore, and in conclusion - the only thing we know to be true according to scripture is that if a newborn infant should die prematurely and would be considered saved upon their death; then that infant would likewise be also considered as one of God's elect; having been destined or prepared for glory beforehand (prior to their birth) just like Jacob and Isaac was. However, the scriptures nowhere claims that every newborn who may die prematurely has been given to the Son for redemption leading to salvation.

Furthermore , the condemnation of any sinner; in particular a newborn infant would be a just condemnation because the very sinful nature as a son of disobedience to which the newborn infant was born to is rightfully deserving of God's wrath. Every sinner (including infants) found not to be in Christ but still in Adam upon their death can rightly be judged by God in spite of any decree set beforehand for God's honor is of more value and importance not only in the salvation of every man but also in the salvation of every newborn infant who may die in their infancy. If there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (romans 8:1), then how is it possible for one to argue that a newborn who may die in their infancy is somehow automatically saved who is not found to be in Christ at the time of their death? In order for those who may argue that newborn infants who die prematurely must be granted immunity from the affects of the fall of our first parents and the penalty of sin must also successfully argue from scripture that God's grace can be demanded apart from His sovereign choice to save whom He wills. To God be the glory!

See video here:

By Aaron Fisher 

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