Thursday, February 15, 2024

Vessels of Mercy "Prepared Beforehand or In Advance for Glory" (ROMANS 9:22-23)? "Beforehand" or the Greek "Proetoimazó"


If God determined to save someone prior to their birth as a vessel of mercy; then in doing so and as a consequence - they, by default, have been technically "prepared beforehand or in advance for glory! And if the Children of Promise are considered to be the Children of God; then when God foretold of Issac's future birth as the Child of Promise and elected Jacob prior to his birth also as a Child of Promise; then God was essentially declaring beforehand as in before they both were born that they were already considered as Children of God by decree - even prior to their birth. Their salvation was inevitable even prior to their actual birth!

A simple outline with commentary as to "disect" the passage of ROMANS 9.

(1) The Children of Promise ARE the Children of God (vs 8)

(2) Issac was foretold to be the "Child of Promise" prior to his birth (vs 9)

(3) Jacob was elected prior to his birth IN ORDER THAT God's purpose of ELECTION might continue (vs 10 and 11).

(4) However, the Children of Promise ARE God's Elect. The two terms can be used interchangeably. You can't speak of the one without acknowledging the other (vs 8 and 11).

(5) Issac, the Child of Promise aka God's Elect (vs 8 and 9)

(6) Jacob, God's Elect aka the Child of Promise (vs 10-12)

(7) The "vessels of mercy prepared beforehand for glory" ARE the Children of Promise aka God's Elect

(8) Both Issac AND Jacob were considered to be "vessels of mercy" because they both were deemed as a Children of Promise aka God's Elect prior to their birth. Every Child of Promise receives saving mercy. However, God determined to bestow saving mercy upon both Issac and Jacob before they were born as a Child of Promise aka God's Elect upon setting them apart unto Himself.

(9) This is the very reason why Paul could say that the "vessels of mercy" were "prepared beforehand for glory" - because both Isaac and Jacob received saving mercy from God before each of them was even born as a Child of Promise aka God's Elect. Their salvation was inevitable. They were essentially prepared beforehand for glory by way of God's saving mercy bestowed upon them prior to their birth as a consequence. This would be the correct understanding according to the context.

(10) However, not only were Issac and Jacob prepared beforehand or in advance for glory prior to their birth BUT every would be Child of Promise aka God's Elect as well. This is why the Apostle Paul cold claim that the Word of God has not failed because it was NEVER God's intention to save every Israelite or even Gentile for that matter - only the Children of Promise.

(11) Lastly, if God deemed Issac and Jacob as a Child of Promise aka God's Elect prior to their birth and their salvation is inevitable because of this fact; then it would deem logical if not biblical (for argument sake) to conclude that they were "prepared beforehand for glory" because of the predetermined actions by God correct?

By Aaron Fisher

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