Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Gift of Faith?

Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God ~ 1 john 5:1

What is a gift? A gift is something that's freely given by the giver and not acquired by merit or entitlement and likewise without repayment. Biblical faith is a byproduct of a new heart according to God's grace and mercy. The "taking out of the stubborn heart of stone of a sinner and replacing it with a compliant heart of flesh" is a sole unilateral work of God - as in regeneration that leads to spiritual life. When God says, "I'll give you a new heart and a new Spirit and cause you to obey my statues" - He is strongly implying that obedience to His words of command can only be accomplished if a new heart has been granted by way of spiritual circumcision. When the command comes to "repent and believe" in the Good News of Jesus Christ; unless a new compliant heart of flesh has been granted prior to - the sinner will not be able to comply to the command of the Lord because he will still possess the old uncircumcised stubborn hostile heart of flesh. This is why, regeneration MUST precede faith. This is why, we say Biblical faith is a gift - for it is something that's freely given by God for those of whom He has particularly favored beforehand and as of result predestined before the foundation of the world to sonship by the 'means of faith' having been not given nor acquired by merit or entitled and likewise without repayment just the same - the very definition of a Gift!

By Aaron Fisher 

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