Sunday, December 17, 2023

But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? (Response to Leighton Flowers Via James White)

Conclusion: Essentially, the Objector of Romans 9 was objecting to God's election and call of a particular people prior to their birth (the children of promise) unto salvation (Isaac, Jacob) to the exclusion of the rest of mankind for eternal destruction (Ishmael, Esau, Pharoah). 

This is a very brief response to Leighton Flowers who once again mishandles the text of scripture. 

We know the context regarding the question of the "Injustice" of God in conjunction with the Objector's apparent complaint "why have you made me like this" - is about God determining who will be saved and who will not - because Paul has already previously informed us that the Word of God has not failed regarding the salvation of Israel because it was NEVER God's intent to save every Jew or Israelite seeing that not all who are descended from Israel are of Israel who's praise is from God. 

The Apostle Paul also previously informed us that it is not the children of the flesh who are the "children of God" (a reference to salvation) but the "children of promise" (also a reference to salvation) who are truly counted as Abraham's offspring because they will have shared the same faith as Abraham. The question of "injustice" which Paul speaks of later is in regards to God's prerogative as to elect certain individuals before birth and deem them children of promise beforehand (such as Isaac and Jacob) resulting in salvation that is inevitable and certain. This is why Paul chastises the Objector's judgement of God as if God has somehow done something that is wrong or out of character by saying - will what is molded say to its molder, "why have you made me like this" IN RESPONSE TO the Objector's question - "why does God still find fault".

The reason why the Objector ask the question - "why does God still find fault" is because the Objector understood that no one can resist God's will in regards to His prerogative to have MERCY on whom He wills and HARDEN whom He wills. The Objector understood that God determined to save a people according to His own prerogative and not the will of man.

The apparent complaint of "why have you made me like this" from the Objector is in conjunction with the supposedly "injustice" of God AND the "injustice" of God is in conjunction with God beforehand determining before one's birth whom He will either have mercy upon or whom He will harden. God had mercy upon Jacob prior to His birth unto salvation (vessel of mercy) in contrast to God hardening Esau prior to his birth for destruction (vessel of wrath). 

The Objector is not objecting to the greater purposes of God in light of the Jews rebellion and them still being considered at fault as Leighton claim. The Objector is objecting to God's sovereign choice to save who he wills before anyone has done either good or bad and likewise not according to human will or effort on anyone's part.

By Aaron Fisher 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Good or Bad Tree AND the Fruit it Only Can Produce; Spoken of by Christ.

Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. - Matthew 12:33

The sinful unbelieving unregenerate man - will not and cannot repent and believe the Gospel apart from a work of God beforehand. This work of God is a change in nature or in essence; regeneration. Regeneration precedes repentance and faith according to the scriptures! John the Baptist commanded those who were unbelieving and were in need of repentance to produce "fruit" worthy of repentance. However, in doing so, we find out by Christ Himself that a bad tree is unable to produce that which is good. Therefore, in order for a tree which represents the individual person to bear fruit worthy of repentance - the tree itself has to be a good tree as to do so. In fact, the tree itself has to be a good a tree "in nature" in order to produce good fruit as we will go on to see.

In Matthew chapter 3, as well as Luke chapter 3, you will find the introduction to John the Baptist, the forerunner to Christ. John, was the voice crying out in the wilderness, declaring "Make straight the pathway for our Lord". His message was repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. In those days, Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region about the Jordan were going out to John, and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. However, when John saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come. He implored them to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham. John,  then went on to say; even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. His words, were a sign of judgement for those Jews who would not believe in Christ, there Messiah.

However, even though John had essentially commanded Israel's religious leaders to produce fruit in keeping with repentance; this command in and of itself will prove to be impossible to obey apart from a supernatural work of God. Both in Matthew and Luke, the Holy Spirit associated the tree that was about to be cut down and thrown into to fire with the Spiritual Leaders of Israel; the Pharisees and Sadducees. Why is that? Because the leaders of Israel were in need of repentance as well as the False Prophets In Matthew and also the Evil Person in Luke to which Christ spoke of. Both the Leaders of Israel and the Tree of which represents the leaders would inevitably go on to produce fruit; whether that fruit leads to good or bad deeds from Israel Leaders in contrast to the grapes or figs from the tree itself (luke 6:44-45, matthew 7:16) according to it's nature that should be produced. However, a bad tree is unable to produce grapes and figs.

Now, Christ, Himself tells us in Matthew Chapter 7: 17-18, concerning the False Prophets that:

Every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree tree bear good fruit. - MATTHEW 7:17-18

So, just as John the Baptist, in Matthew 3:7-10 and Luke 3:7-9 implored Israel's Religious Leaders to produce fruit in keeping with repentance, we have Christ now declaring that it is impossible not only for False Prophets to produce good fruit but Israel Leaders as well - seeing that NO bad tree (which is representative of every unregenerate unbeliever as the 'old man' in nature) can produce good fruit, for they are UNABLE (DUNAMI) to do so because of the inherit NATURE of the Tree OR man, the Unbeliever to which the tree represents.

We see this same truth explained in John, Chapter 15; when Jesus distinguishes from True and False disciples. He states in John 15:6

If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. - JOHN 15:6

This is the the same language we see elsewhere in regards to what will happen to those who will NOT truly REPENT and BELIEVE (matthew 3:10, matthew 7:19, luke 3:9, john 15:6, revelation 20:15).

Continuing in John Chapter 15:4-5, Christ states:

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. - JOHN 15:4-5

Jesus has specifically sated that the branches of tree cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, so likewise, neither can an unregenerate unbeliever unless he too is already abiding in the vine; which is Christ Jesus - proving to be a true disciple and also loved by the Son (john 15:8-9). No one can bear fruit unto God unless they are in union with God as already being born again.

The Lord has said

Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. - MATTHEW 12:33

Of course, no sinful unregenerate man has the ability to make himself good for he is born sinful, enslaved by his nature and can only do evil (matthew 12: 34-35, john 7:7,john 3:18, job 14:4, jeremiah 13:23, ephesians 2:3). However, it is God and Him alone who has the ability to make what is Inherently bad, good. God changes the nature of sinful man before Faith by having giving us a New Birth by the Word of Truth (james 1:18). God causes us to be born again (1 peter 1:3). It is the Spirit who gives spiritual life and makes an unbeliever alive (john 6:63). It is the Spirit who circumcises the heart of sinful man (romans 2:29). It is also only, the seed (word of God) that falls upon the good soil (new heart) that is able to produce good fruit (luke 8:15). Consequently, it is the Spirit of God that is the DIVIDING LINE between the "old and new man" - an unbeliever or a believer.

The "old man" or unbeliever is the BAD EVIL TREE that CANNOT for he is UNABLE to produce good fruit; deeds pleasing to God (acts 26:20, matthew 7:18, john 15:4) because of his nature being void of the Holy Spirit .Therefore, repentance and belief is an IMPOSSIBILITY for the unbeliever because of his nature alone. However,  the "new man" or believer is the GOOD RIGHTEOUS TREE that goes on to produce good fruit; deeds pleasing to God because his entire nature has been changed as he possesses the Holy Spirit within. Therefore, the possibility of repentance and belief is granted unto him.


~ Further Argumentation - Those Things In Common Regarding The "Bad Tree"

(1) MATTHEW 3:7-10, LUKE 3:7-9 and MATTHEW 12:33-37 - speaks of Israel's Religious Leaders. 

(2) JOHN 15:1-11 - speaks of True and False Disciples of Christ 

(3) MATTHEW 7:15-20 - speaks of True Prophets and False Prophets. 

(4) LUKE 6:44-45 - speaks of the evil and good person

However, what all four of these different set of scriptural verses have in common, is that - those (Israel Religious Leaders, False Disciples, False Prophets, and Evil Persons) who are unable and don't produce any good fruit because of their nature are said to be likely "thrown into the fire and burned" if God doesn't supernaturally changes their nature by causing them to be born again. They are ALL unable to repent and believe, as representatives of the BAD TREE which CANT produce anything that's good.

In other words, as it relates to all four of these different set of verses - those who are said to be likely "thrown into the fire and burned" were definitely in need of repentance; but this was IMPOSSIBLE according to their nature - for scripture explicitly states, NO bad tree can produce good fruit; implying, the nature of the tree must be considered a "good tree" of a whole nother nature. Therefore, the bad tree cannot not produce good fruit; regarding, repentance and belief. The bad tree is UNABLE (matthew 7:18, john 15:4) to produce good fruit.


The fruit of a person that does not keep with repentance is from a Bad Tree; however, no Bad Tree produces Good Fruit. Each Tree, according to it's Nature is known by it's own Fruit. The Evil person produces Bad Fruit; therefore, the Bad Tree corresponds with the Evil person. The Evil person is representative of the Unbeliever; the Old Man in the flesh who can only produce Bad Fruit.

However, the fruit of a person in keeping with repentance is from a Good Tree, no Good Tree produces bad fruit relating to repentance and faith. Each Tree, according to it's Nature is known by it's own Fruit. The Good Person produces Good Fruit; therefore, the Good Tree corresponds with the Good Person. The Good Person is representative of the Believer; the New Man in the Spirit who produces Good Fruit.

The ONLY person that can bear good fruit that's pleasing to the Lord; even repentance and faith - are those who are already in union with Christ the "branch" having been born again so that the fruit that they do bear will prove that they are truly His disciples for a true disciple continues in the teachings of Christ and is in a mutual abiding. Without Christ, we can do nothing that's of any eternal value. The initial fruits of being born again are repentance and faith!

Old Man = Unbeliever = Bad Tree = Evil Person = Bad Fruit = No Repentance and Faith = Cut Down And Thrown Into The Fire = Destroyed

New Man = Believer = Good Tree = Good Person = Good Fruit = Repentance and Belief = Good Works = Reaping Eternal Life

By Aaron Fisher

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Objector of Romans 3 AND Romans 9 (both consider God as unjust regarding the salvation of man according to His own sovereign will and choice)

No, Sir. It's "more" helpful to conder the surrounding context of both verses in order to follow Paul's argument. The reason why the objector even proposes the question regarding (romans 3:7) is because he was not content nor satisfied with what Paul had previously said in regards to who exactly was a true Jew and who's praise is truly from God (romans 2:28-29) according to His will alone. The Objector was responding to what Paul has previously said in Chapter 2. The Objector understood that God was selectively and unilaterally circumcising individuals hearts of His choosing in order that they may obey Him (romans 2:5, 25). Paul was informing essentially the "circumcision party" that jewish ethnicity and physical circumcision has value "only" if you obey the Law (romans 2:25). However, they could not obey the Law or God because their hearts were uncircumcised, stubborn, and unrepentant (romans 2:5). They were in need of a changed heart. This is why the objector asked the question - "then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision?" If God is essentially choosing according to His own prerogative as to who will be saved (romans 2:10) by selectively 'spiritually' circumcising certain individual hearts - then what advantage does the Jew have over the Gentiles? Paul explains -  the Jews were entrusted with the Word of God as His chosen people; a light to the nations and disseminators of God's truth. They have a special role in the Lord's earthly Kingdom as a Kingdom of Priest as His chosen ones regarding their call to this specific task unto which has not been revoked (romans 11:29). 

However, the objector doubles down on his dissatisfaction with Paul's response by responding - "But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? And why not do evil that good may come?" Mind you, the objector responded this way, just after Paul declared - "By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, “That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged.” The Apostle Paul was informing the objector and all who think like him that when God is seemingly having to be judged by lying sinful man as if He has somehow become unrighteous or unjust in saving whom He wills according to His own sovereign choice; He will ultimately be vindicated or exonerated in His judgements according to His own divine standard of righteousness and not man's. The whole point of the Law is to point out sin and lead you to Christ for forgiveness of sin NOT to conclude "let us sin that God grace may abound" as to undermine the purpose & wisdom of God according to an eternal plan regarding the salvation of man that has been decreed before the ages. Those who think in such a way; according to Paul, their condemnation is just.

However, the same objection the objector has in Romans Chapter 3 (But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?) is essentially the same objection that the Objector has in Romans Chapter 9 (You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?)" AND for the same REASON. Both objectors undermined the faithfulness of God (romans 3:3-4 and romans 9:6) in spite of Him electing certain individuals to salvation for His own glory and both rejected Him as an unjust God in doing so (romans 3:5 and romans 9:14). Let's be clear! In both instances, according to the context - both Objectors were objecting to God's choice in the salvation of man apart from the will of man aka the "free will" of man. God circumcises the hearts of those (romans 2:28-29) whom He has beforehand elected; even prior to their birth (romans 9:11) as to demonstrate His rightful sovereign choice to do as He wills (romans 9:21-24). Im arguing that both Objectors in Romans Chapter 3 and Romans Chapter 9 are objecting to the very same thing - God's sovereign choice in the salvation of man!

By Aaron Fisher

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Spiritual Blindness / Walking In Darkness / Ontologically / From Birth / Unable to See

I reached out to Leighton Flowers through Facebook Messenger March of 2021 and sent him this response regarding one of his videos to his assertion that sinful man is not born spiritually blind. To this day, he has not replied back. Unfortunately, he continues to speak falsehoods.

Scripturally, walking in DARKNESS corresponds with being BLIND (roman's 2:19, 1 john 2:11). Both walking in darkness and being blind constitutes as being UNABLE to SEE and understand spiritually the things of God. This truth stands in stark CONTRAST to those who walk in the LIGHT and have EYES TO SEE. Sinful man born at birth comes out of his mother's womb as to walk in darkness; therefore comes out the womb of his mother spiritually blind. If you say otherwise, then you will be falsely suggesting that sinful man at birth comes out of his mother's womb walking in Light; and in order for that to be true, you will also be falsely suggesting that sinful man at birth comes out of the womb as already born again, regenerated, and saved, for this is what it means as to "walk in the light". But this can not be case, for NO ONE comes out of the womb at birth already WALKING IN THE LIGHT or REGENERATED. 

In addition, sinful man from birth who inevitably walks in darkness does so because of his nature; that being of the 'old man' who is enslaved to sin and the sinful desires of the flesh IN CONTRAST to the 'new man' with a new nature who is enslaved to righteousness and has the power and ability to mortify the deeds of the flesh BY THE SPIRIT; a privilege the "old man" doesn't have because of his nature being void of the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit IN MAN or NOT that is the dividing line between the two natures; that being IN CHRIST having the Spirit or IN ADAM without the Spirit. On one hand, the unbeliever being represented as the 'old man' can ONLY obey sin, unrighteousness, and the sinful desires of the flesh and therefore by default 'walks in darkness and is spiritually blind' BUT on the other hand, the believer by distinction has been freed from the power and enslavement of sin and the flesh desires and therefore can now freely obey the Spirit and righteousness; even though at times may yield themselves to the desires of the flesh whether it be momentarily or for a season. Nevertheless, the believer has been freed from the power of sin and have the power to obey as to 'walk in the light having eyes to see'.

Point being, the 'old man' can only obey sin and the 'new man' has been freed from only obeying sin but now righteousness as well. This fact, is due to the difference in the 'old and new mans' nature. The 'old man' can ONLY bear fruit unto death and the 'new man' bears fruit unto God. Nonetheless, both bears fruit - be it ACCORDING to their NATURE. The "nature" of any individual newly born is that of the "old man" or unbeliever; therefore they come out of their mother's womb as to "walk in darkness" AKA spiritually blind! 

Spiritually Blind from Birth! Leighton is once again wrong, according to the scriptures.

By Aaron Fisher

Friday, December 1, 2023

Responding to Jordan Hatfield, Phil Bair and Tyler Flower (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) Free Will VS God's Decree!

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. - 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth. To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. - 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14


Jordan and his two guest (Phil Bair and Tyler Fowler) want to deny that it will be God himself in the latter days that is ultimately responsible for deceiving those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth as to be saved. Although, I agree it will be the "man of lawlessness" actually doing the deceiving having been empowered by Satan - however, Satan could not empower anyone; let alone the "man of lawlessness" to deceive apart from the will of God. Therefore, the act of deceiving those by the "man of lawlessness" who take pleasure in wickedness is ultimately according to God's will; apart from which, neither Satan nor the "man of lawlessness" could act - not to mention the "day of the Lord" mentioned in Thessalonians and the coming "man of lawlessness" will also be according to God's plan foretold of old (isaiah 13:9-11 and daniel 11:36-39).

Jordan and guest would have us believe that neither the 'deception' by the Anti-Christ nor the 'strong delusion' sent by God was according to God's deliberate plan or done so by "fiat". However, scripture informs us otherwise - for they failed to mention that those who DID NOT take pleasure in wickedness NOR failed to love the truth as to be saved were either deceived or deluded as were the others. Why? Because they were BELOVED by the Lord as the text plainly states! What does it mean to be be "beloved" by the Lord or called the Lord's beloved? It means that this particular group of individuals have been ultimately eternally loved by the Lord or eternally favorably loved by the Lord unto salvation. This particular group of individuals salvation is inevitable; they have been foreordained to believe from before creation as God's elect - for it was "in love" that the Father predestined them before the foundation of the world as sons unto Himself (speaking of the body of Christ or the Church of God as a whole, ephesians 1:5 and 5:1). When God predestined them before creation; they were already considered His "beloved" children. This is why the Apostle Paul could say - "God chose you from the beginning to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit AND belief in the truth". IT WAS BECAUSE, as Paul continues to say - "to this, God called you!" Meaning, God had called those who were beloved by Him before creation to salvation through satisfaction by the Spirit AND belief in the truth - so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 thessalonians 2:13-14). Notice, that God had both chose beforehand and called this particular group of sinners to salvation to the exclusion of those who continued to have pleasure in wickedness and refuse to love the truth. Scripture refers to these particular groups of sinners - those that are perishing; in contrast to those who are eternally loved by God unto salvation. Even though Jordan and guest would like to deny a decree; nonetheless a decree exist. God determined to save a particular people unto Himself while passing over the rest for salvation leaving them to fall prey to the demonic activities of Satan through the coming "lawlessness man". Just as God's elect was foreordained to believe to be rescued from the power of Satan, then likewise; those who eventually fall prey to Satan devices were also foreordained to remain in unbelief and perish. Jordan and company do look at other verses to justify their interpretation; however, they fail to keep the scriptures in their proper context.

They very much want to contribute the "free will" of man to those who "refuse to love the truth as to be saved". However, proper exegesis and hermeneutics is simply not on their side. The prophecy of the coming "lawlessness man" was foretold long ago BUT the "decree" was set in motion before creation regarding just who will ultimately be saved and who will not.

By Aaron Fisher