Saturday, February 17, 2024

A child's state of so called "innocence" is NOT a criteria nor factor regarding their possible salvation - only the mercy of God!


There is a popular teaching among Christian circles that a newborn or young child who unfortunately happens to die prematurely is somehow entitled to inherit salvation due to the so called "innocence" of the child not having enough acquired knowledge as to not only discern good from evil but also enough acquired knowledge as to reject evil and choose the good. However, first and foremost, such an assertion would presume that every infant or young child has been favorably blessed by God as to partake and benefit of the New Covenant and the spiritual blessings which derive from it; which gives life to the spiritually dead as Christ sheep (hebrews 13:20, 2 corinthians 3:6). Secondly, another major delimmna; is that God has predetermined as in chosen prior to one's birth all of everyone who has been foreordained to inherit salvation and that ones salvation is not dependent upon any criteria on the individual's part; apart from whom God has predetermined to show mercy to beforehand (romans 9:11). So, in order for any individual to argue that an infant or young child is "entitled" to inherit salvation due to their so called state of "innocence" - one must likewise 'successfully' demonstrate this assertion biblically from scripture that such an entitlement of salvation is "indeed" a "factor" regarding God's decision or determination to have mercy upon a child who dies prematurely and likewise chooses them prior to their birth for glory in order for such an assertion to be scripturally accurate. 

On the other hand, I believe the scriptures has clearly stated that God chose specific individuals prior to their birth as to not regard any specific good deed OR evil deed of which they had not done as of yet OR will do - involving His prerogative to save whom He wills (romans 9:11). Therefore, if God did not take into account any good deed; let alone any evil deed; then one's "innocence" is not a factor in His determination to save - seeing that such an assertion of a child's so called "innocence" would surely suggest that an infant or young child is not capable of doing anything good or bad "as of yet" as a factor. The true biblical doctrine of Election rules out such a criteria of "innocence" of entitlement for salvation because God has determined to have mercy upon His elect not taking into account prior to one's birth any evil that a infant or young child who prematurely dies after birth may or may not or even could have committed (romans 9:11). God's saves in spite of the sins committed of His elect; therefore neither a child or an adult sin's for that matter; is a factor in the salvation of His chosen ones. Therefore, the so called "innocence" of a child is entirely ruled out regarding the salvation of God's people because an infant or young child's state of "innocence" implies potential future guilt regarding acts of evil and God has neither elected His people on the basis of committed acts of evil or committed acts of good BUT only on the basis of His prerogative prior to one's birth to have mercy upon whom He wills!

By Aaron Fisher 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Vessels of Mercy "Prepared Beforehand or In Advance for Glory" (ROMANS 9:22-23)? "Beforehand" or the Greek "Proetoimazó"


If God determined to save someone prior to their birth as a vessel of mercy; then in doing so and as a consequence - they, by default, have been technically "prepared beforehand or in advance for glory! And if the Children of Promise are considered to be the Children of God; then when God foretold of Issac's future birth as the Child of Promise and elected Jacob prior to his birth also as a Child of Promise; then God was essentially declaring beforehand as in before they both were born that they were already considered as Children of God by decree - even prior to their birth. Their salvation was inevitable even prior to their actual birth!

A simple outline with commentary as to "disect" the passage of ROMANS 9.

(1) The Children of Promise ARE the Children of God (vs 8)

(2) Issac was foretold to be the "Child of Promise" prior to his birth (vs 9)

(3) Jacob was elected prior to his birth IN ORDER THAT God's purpose of ELECTION might continue (vs 10 and 11).

(4) However, the Children of Promise ARE God's Elect. The two terms can be used interchangeably. You can't speak of the one without acknowledging the other (vs 8 and 11).

(5) Issac, the Child of Promise aka God's Elect (vs 8 and 9)

(6) Jacob, God's Elect aka the Child of Promise (vs 10-12)

(7) The "vessels of mercy prepared beforehand for glory" ARE the Children of Promise aka God's Elect

(8) Both Issac AND Jacob were considered to be "vessels of mercy" because they both were deemed as a Children of Promise aka God's Elect prior to their birth. Every Child of Promise receives saving mercy. However, God determined to bestow saving mercy upon both Issac and Jacob before they were born as a Child of Promise aka God's Elect upon setting them apart unto Himself.

(9) This is the very reason why Paul could say that the "vessels of mercy" were "prepared beforehand for glory" - because both Isaac and Jacob received saving mercy from God before each of them was even born as a Child of Promise aka God's Elect. Their salvation was inevitable. They were essentially prepared beforehand for glory by way of God's saving mercy bestowed upon them prior to their birth as a consequence. This would be the correct understanding according to the context.

(10) However, not only were Issac and Jacob prepared beforehand or in advance for glory prior to their birth BUT every would be Child of Promise aka God's Elect as well. This is why the Apostle Paul cold claim that the Word of God has not failed because it was NEVER God's intention to save every Israelite or even Gentile for that matter - only the Children of Promise.

(11) Lastly, if God deemed Issac and Jacob as a Child of Promise aka God's Elect prior to their birth and their salvation is inevitable because of this fact; then it would deem logical if not biblical (for argument sake) to conclude that they were "prepared beforehand for glory" because of the predetermined actions by God correct?

By Aaron Fisher

Friday, February 9, 2024

Provisionalism, Pelagianism AND the Biblical Truth!

[In love] God [predestined] us for [adoption to himself as sons] through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, [to the praise of his glorious grace], with which he has [blessed us in the Beloved] - Ephesians 2:5-6

Leighton Flowers outright dissociates himself from Pelagianism or even Semi Plaginism for that matter. However both Pelagianism and Semi-Pelagianism do acknowledge as not to reject God's "grace". Nonetheless, Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism AND Provisionalism do indeed reject God's grace. They reject God's "initial" or "primary" grace that preceded creation itself. This grace or unmerited favor of God was predetermined towards a particular people by decree unto faith. This particular grace was brought forth in love as to predestine a people before the foundation of the world unto adoption as sons aka believers in God. And if predestined to adoption as sons; then those predestined were by default foreordained to believe - to the exclusion of the "rest of mankind" of whom God did not predestine. Therefore, by the Provisionist own acknowledgement - they fit the religious category of Pelagianism or even Semi Plaginism for argument sake because they unequivocally deny God's grace; the very grace that preceded creation itself!


Saving Grace is a Unique and Particular Grace that's not granted to all men but Only a select few; God's Elect (Ephesians 2:4-10). 

SAVING GRACE is a particular grace that's not granted to all men but only a chosen few whom God has predetermined to unmeritly favor in regards to their salvation. This grace is distinct from all other graces bestowed by God seeing that only a select group can benefit from this unique grace. We see this confirmation of such grace particularly in Ephesians Chapter 1 and 2. The saving grace the Apostle Paul speaks of (ephesians 2:4-10) is in conjunction with Gods choosing and predestining before the foundation of the world a particular people as adopted sons to be holy and blameless (ephesians 1:4-5). Therefore, this particular grace rules out the "rest of mankind" (eph.1:3) or "sons of disobedience" whom God has left to remain in their sins being still deserving of wrath (ephesians 5:5-12) from ever benefitting from such grace.

In order for the "rest of mankind" or the "sons of disobedience" that God has passed over as to remain in their sins to benefit from this unique and particular saving grace - then they too must have been chosen in Christ and predestined as well before the foundation of the world to partake of any and such spiritual blessing (ephesians 1:3). Furthermore, those of whom God neither chose or predestined before creation also would have to been among those for whom Jesus had died for (ephesians 5:1-2) in order for them to be redeemed by His blood and their sins forgiven (ephesians 1:7) of which they were not. To argue otherwise, would be to undermine the love of God for a specific people unto His own glory and to assert or demand that God must love everyone as in all without exception in the very same manner for He only "in love" predestined before the foundation of the world those whom He foreknew; a particular people for His own glory while passing over the rest. Furthermore, to also argue against God having chose and predestined a select people unto salvation would call into question His wisdom, counsel, and judgement as if they are somehow flawed or misguided and not considered perfect in and of themselves seeing that God is perfect in all His ways as Paul goes on to rightly proclaim (ephesians 1:8-10). The grace or favor of God is only extended towards a select few of whom He has both foreknew and foreloved.

By Aaron Fisher

Friday, February 2, 2024

Children of Wrath by Nature (ephesians 2:3)?

Regarding, EPHESIANS 2:3 - the "nature" to which Paul is referring to is with respect to the flesh of man from birth (john 3:6); it is of the "old man" as an unbeliever (colossians 3:9 and ephesians 4:22).

Everyone born, is born as an unbeliever according to sinful flesh. When Jesus said 'that which is BORN of flesh is flesh' - He was referring to sinful flesh (john 3:6). This is why Paul states that God sent His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh - in reference to the "sin nature" of all humanity (romans 8:3). 

Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh in order to condemn the power of sin upon the cross which permeates the flesh of man; as in total depravity, to which we are born under. You cannot separate one's nature from his flesh. Although, I agree, that "by nature" is in reference to "habitual sinful conduct" according to the specific Greek word that is used and it's context.

However, what many fail to realize is that this "habitual sinful conduct" is spoken of as the 'default' position of man who is born of sinful flesh; for man born of mere flesh can only obey sin and the sinful desires of the heart (romans 6:12-14) according to the 'nature' spoken of in Ephesians 2:3. The sinful flesh of man can ONLY bear fruit which leads to spiritual death (romans 7:5). Sinful man, from birth, is UNABLE to obey God in righteousness apart from the work of the Spirit that would enable him to do so (romans 7:4-6).

This is why we ALL come out of our mother's wound deserving God's wrath for we are deemed sinners from birth (romans 5:18-19) unable to do otherwise apart from imputed righteousness. There is no condemnation for those who are "in Christ" but for those who are not "in Christ" - eternal punishment justly awaits. We are not born "in Christ" but rather "in Adam" deserving God's wrath because we are born as "sons of disobedience" according to our nature (ephesians 2:1-3). We are ALL born as unbelievers from birth, as the 'old man' in Adam according to sinful flesh, deserving God's wrath - this is the testimony of scripture!

In other words, those deserving of God's wrath or children of God's wrath the Apostle Paul is referring to (ephesians 2:3) are those in an unbelieving state and if in an unbelieving state; then they are still "in Adam" as the "old man" and if they are considered to still be of the "old man" then they are likewise still of the flesh to which they were born that can only bear fruit unto death. Those who are merely of the flesh and have not been "born again" - CANNOT please God; including newborn infants and young children. God would be 'just' condemning ALL not found to be in Christ but still in Adam at judgement.

Nature (ephesians 2:3): Unbeliever = Old Man = In Adam = From Birth = Sinful flesh by default that can only bear fruit unto spiritual death = Deserving of God's Wrath 


SEE ALSO - The TWO NATURE'S of MANKIND (the old and new man).

By Aaron Fisher