Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” - JOHN 8:46-47
At the onset, Jesus had acknowledged that these particular Jews were physical descendants of Abraham (john 8:37) but he denounced the idea that they were indeed spiritual descendants of Abraham according to faith in God (john 8:39-42) - as in the children of Promise; being those given to Him from the Father. Jesus understood that these particular Jews had been predestined to disobey the word of the Lord and to stumble over the stumbling stone as to perish; seeing that Christ Himself was that very stone - a rock of offense (isaiah 8:13-15, luke 20:17-18, matthew 21:42,1peter 2:6-8, and romans 9:32). This is why he asserted that the slave doesn't remain in the house forever; the son does (john 8:35). The slave or hired hand has no inheritance regarding the household of which he serves; the inheritance of the Father belongs to the natural born son. However, Christ was using this biblical fact to reveal to these Jews that they too were not considered to be sons of God as to have an inheritance because they were not given to Him as heirs according to the promise made to Abraham (genesis 17:7 and galatians 3:29). For it was not granted unto them to believe; this privilege is only reserved for those given to Christ; His sheep. These particular Jews in John 8 did not belong to God nor were among Christ sheep; if they were then they would have believed having been predestined as Children of Promise beforehand (genesis 17:7).
Mind you, Jesus denounced these Jews to be spiritual descendants of Abraham (which would have been demonstrated by their faith) PRIOR TO them actually having believed to indeed confirm the fact that the son of the slave woman (as not belonging to the Abrahamic Covenant) shall not share in the inheritance of the privileged son (child of promise) of the free woman (galatians 4:30) who indeed is of or truly belongs to the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 17:7). The son of the slave woman remains in spiritual bondage but the son of the free woman is set free from sin and his final destination is Jerusalem which is above (galatians 4:22-31). The Abrahamic Covenant promises salvation to all who belong to it; a particular group of people of whom God has chosen beforehand (genesis 17:7). God had promised beforehand to Abraham to be God to a particular people who would be forgiven and reconciled back to Him in right standing through His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, salvation is inevitable for some and not others; for these particular group of people are namely; the Children of Promise who are to be saved. Not everyone is a child of promise; if so, then everyone would ultimately be saved. So, seeing that it is impossible for everyone to be considered a "child of promise" then it's likewise impossible for everyone as in "all without exception" to ever come to saving faith. Furthermore, it is also impossible for anyone according to their "free will" to believe apart from already having been given to the Son prior to. Free will is not a factor in one's salvation; only the mercy and grace of God that was predetermined only toward the children of promise (romans 4:11-18 and hebrews 6:13-20). This is what is occuring in John 8. These particular Jews would not believe because they were not foreordained to believe. They were not of God's Elect. They were not the children of promise. They were in fact considered to be the reprobate of the Jews; those of whom God has passed over from birth for salvation (romans 9:11,13).
Jesus confirmed that it was impossible for these Jews to ever believe as to be saved; therefore their damnation was certain (romans 9:22). He acknowledged that they did not belong to God; therefore they were not to be counted as the spiritual descendants of Abraham who were promised to Him as heirs; the children of promise. For it is the privileged son who remains in God's house forever; not the child of the slave woman who was passed over as not belonging to the Abrahamic Covenant as to share in the inheritance. John 8 is a clear example as to prove; it is only those given to the Son beforehand that will believe and be saved - while excluding all others. No one can be saved apart from already belonging to the Abrahamic Covenant beforehand - proving that it is an impossibility for everyone as in all without exception to be saved; especially according to the so called "free will" of man. Those who will indeed perish - it is understood that they will have proven themselves to be reprobate.
By Aaron Fisher