Sunday, September 3, 2023

John 6:44: Unconditional Election & Irresistible Grace? (Responding to Leighton Flowers)

The notorious John 6 passage. Leighton's argument and understanding of the text is that the "one" coming (the second "him") is essentially coming according to his own "free will" and possess the ability in and of himself to either continue to come (accept Christ) or not (reject Christ) as in not effectually drawn by God to be raised up. However, Leighton Flowers outrightly ignores context and should not be taken seriously in his misinterpretation of John 6. In fact, in order for Leighton's interpretation of John 6 to be deemed accurate; the "one" coming to Christ (the second "him") according to John 6:44 MUST have the 'option' of possessing some sort of ability apart from God as not to come or freely reject Christ. However, according to John 6:37 - no such "option" is granted to the "one" who is "coming".

And therein lies the major problem with Leighton's interpretation of the text. John 6:37 is crystal clear - "all that the Father gives me WILL come to me, and whoever or the one coming to me I will NEVER cast out. The Greek mé (3361) as in NEVER or SHALL NOT cast out in regards to 6:37; denotes an impossibility or ruling out the possibility for the Son to cast out the one "coming to Him". Therefore, it is IMPOSSIBLE for the one whom the Father draws as to come to Christ as to not be "effectually" drawn as to believe and ultimately be raised up; for the same one that that Son will never "cast out" is the very same one that is purposely drawn by the Father and comes to Christ. If the purpose of the Father's 'drawing' is for everyone of all that has been given to the Son to look to the Son as to believe in Him - then why would the Son reject the "one coming" due to the fact that the Father has purposely drawn the "one coming" as for Christ to lose none of all that has been given to Him according to the Father's will? If such a rejection of Christ is possible; then the Father's will has been denied by the so called 'free will" of the creature.

And If the one that comes to Christ is never cast out by the Son (as in ruling out the possibility of being cast out); then how is it possible for the one coming to Christ not to ultimately believe since the one that is never cast out by Him is likewise raised up on the last day according to Christ?

Furthermore, the one "coming" to Christ does so because it is the will of the Father for them to do so (john 6:37-38, 40). In addition, the one also "coming" to Christ must be enabled to do so by the Father as well (john 6:44, 65). So if the one "coming" to Christ has the ability/option to reject Christ; as in NOT being effectually drawn by the Father then such an assertion as Leighton suggest would turn upside down the Father's purpose of having the Son as to lose none of all that He has given Him and raise it up on the last day (john 6:39) AND would likewise simultaneously undermine the mission of the Son of having to come down from Heaven to begin with (john 6:38-39) - for it is the Father's will that "everyone" of "all" that has been given to the Son who in return looks to the Son and believes shall be raised up (john 6:40).

This is why the Son will NEVER (as in no possibility of) cast out the one "coming" to Him for it is the Father's will for the one "coming" not to reject Christ (john 6:39-40) but instead be effectually drawn as to fulfill the Father's will through the Son having everyone given to the Son look to the Son and believe as to be raised up on the last day!

Conclusion: there is NO contextual interpretation of the text that would justify the one "coming" as "freely' coming; as in having the option or ability not to come or reject Christ. Leighton is once again biblically wrong!

Leighton's Commentary:

By, Aaron Fisher.

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