Thursday, September 14, 2023

Possible Worlds? As in Molinism ....

     The teaching of some involving "Possible Worlds" is entirely unbiblical. This concept of "possible worlds" is foreign and not taught in scripture; it is a man made doctrine. The scriptures can't be broken (john 10:35). All that the Prophets and the Psalms spoke of MUST BE fulfilled. There is no other possible world; this world is the only world in the plan of God. Furthermore, there can't be the possibility of a so called another world for God has OBLIGATED HIMSELF to this world and this world alone; based upon His Eternal Covenants. He swore those Covenants with an UNBREAKABLE OATH. This particular world has always been the plan of God BEFORE CREATION. Christ was the Sacrificial Lamb foreknown by the Father before time. God's eternal plan regarding the Son cannot be altered; everything must take place as God has so decreed it - so there is no possibility of a another world that could come to pass. If so, then EVERYTHING that was predetermined to take place according to God's initial one and only decree would be obliterated and God's character and reputation would be in question as to who He truly is. God chose to reveal Himself in this world. God saw fit to only "actuate" this world to glorify Himself. 

     Besides the fact, seeing that God's wisdom, councel, judgements and ways are all perfect; how can there be any possibility of another world that could somehow be better than what is already claimed to be good and absolute (Genesis 1:31)? It's not like, the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were at odds with one another. No, the councel of the Godhead is perfect without any implication of disunity, confusion, or being betwixt and between but with complete clarity, certainty, mastery, preciseness, purposefulness and deliberateness . There is absolutely NO indecisiveness with God. From the beginning, there has been only one plan of God according to His decree before anything was created! Only ONE world!!!!

Molinism is just another attempt at a system to dethrone the sovereignty of God and elevate man's so called 'free will' in regards to his salvation.

By Aaron Fisher

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