Saturday, September 23, 2023

What Does "In Christ" Scripturally Means?

In short - In Christ, is essentially union with Christ based upon the giving of a particular people to the Son; whom the Father both foreknew and foreloved before time or before creation. The term "In Christ", is not limited to having believed relating to time or the temporal but rather a sense of belonging to or a possession of a people; who in return has been set apart for salvation to the praise and glory of God from eternity past.

In addition, when scripture speaks of sheep belonging to Christ even while they are in a state of unbelief (john 6:39-40, john 10:16, and 1 peter 2:25) they nonetheless are still in union with Christ for they belong to Him as sheep who will eventually hear the voice of their Shepherd as to be saved. In fact, this union has been revealed to have existed before the foundation of the world. This is why when Paul states that God chose "us" in Christ before creation (ephesians 1:4); we essentially had already been given to Christ from the Father; prior to the foundation of the world. In other words, we already belonged to Christ; as being "in Christ" - even from eternity past.

By Aaron Fisher

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