Thursday, September 28, 2023


Union with Christ aka "In Christ" -  Is based upon an unbreakable "possession" by the Father of a particular people that has been given to the Son from eternity past (ephesians 1:4) as to glorify Him. It is a union or possession unbreakable due to the fact that the Father has eternally and favorably loved a people as His own (ephesians 1:4-5) before time to the same degree as He has eternally loved His very own Son (john 17:22-23). God's ownership of a people before creation as to set them apart unto Himself for salvation; foreordaining them for redemption and the forgiveness of sins having been created in Christ Jesus and likewise foreordained unto good works is the very result of such an eternal union to which I speak of. Mind you, those who are in union with Christ as belonging to Him are His due to the Father's eternal love and are being kept by God's power and those kept are continuously dependent upon His love, faithfulness and power to remain in union as His.

In addition, God's elect have always been united or in union with Christ; for our union is also based upon belonging to Christ before the foundation of the world in an unbreakable relationship having been given to Him from the Father. There never was a "time" when we did not belong to Christ. Therefore, there never was a 'time' when we were not ultimately in union with Christ. However, as relating to 'time' - we are only momentarily separated from Christ as in a state of unbelief involving the plan of God as to be ultimately saved but this momentary separation does not mean we cease to belong to Him; as in union with Him. We still remain as Christ sheep regarding His relationship with and ownership of us; even in a state of unbelief OR even before our very own physical existence - as in, before creation.

By Aaron Fisher 


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