Saturday, September 23, 2023

God's Eternal Perspective / Chose In Christ, Before The Foundation of the World.

The Apostle Paul said that the Ephesian believers were chose as already "in Christ" before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless; so their being in Christ wasn't necessarily dependent upon them believing but rather ultimately dependent upon God who chose and predestined them having already been in Christ when He did so - because before the foundation of the world there was an absence of the concept of time; therefore God sees those whom He has chose and predestined as already "in Christ" for He is not bound by time nor a chronological order of events as we are since He is eternal. God can call a people (His Elect) into existence before the foundation of the world by Decree and having been so absolute or certain of their existence; He considered or counted them as already existing even before they actually physically existed (romans 4:17).

God's "eternal perspective" is His divine vantage point being outside of and not bound by time; for He transcends it. This is why He can proclaim that believers are (1) ALREADY seated with Christ in the heavenly places (ephesians 2:6) when we at present are physically not (2) ALREADY glorified (romans 8:30) when we at present are physically not (3) ALREADY raised with Christ (colossians 3:1) when we at present are physically not (4) and were ALREADY in Christ before the foundation of the world when God chose us (ephesians 1:4) because to Him being outside of and not bound by time these things have ALREADY taken place - not literally but certain to come pass. To God, those things that He has decreed before creation to come to pass are just as in the present as if the decree has already come to pass

God before creation, calls as of certainty a thing into being "before time" as to exist "in time" - although, certain to exist; as If it has already existed before creation (romans 4:17). Before time was created, what men perceive as reality at present already existed as a thing certain before anything was created to a God who is eternal. So we must realize that when the Apostle Paul claims that God has chose "us" as already in Christ before the foundation of the world while addressing believers regarding EPHESIANS 1:4; he is speaking from a position of eternity past or before time while not beholden to the concept of any chronological order of events as we are. This is why it's hard for us to understand the notion that we were already "in Christ" as an unbeliever or specifically even having not been born as of yet from God's viewpoint. Opponents of this view; accurately taught I trust - either avoid what the text literally says (God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world) or just simply have a hard to explaining the plain text. At this point, let's consider this verse (ephesians 1:4) in it's converse as to perhaps even make what the Apostle Paul has said even more simplified - "before the foundation of the world God chose us in Christ". Essentially, Paul is arguing - that before the foundation of the world, God chose a particular people (us) who were already in Christ.. Those who disagree with the plain text as the Apostle Paul taught will ultimately have to explain; how is it possible for God to have chose "believers" before creation as most suggest is the correct understanding - when no one was even born before the foundation of the world at the 'time' of God's choosing; let alone at a 'time' when no one physically existed as of yet as well. 

It is my position that God chose specific individuals who were not in existence physically as of yet but as of a certainty according to His eternal decree will exist. When Paul states that God chose US "in Christ" in regards to Ephesians 1:4 - he was was NOT saying that God chose US "to be" in Christ. On the contrary, God's elect have ALWAYS been 'in Christ' from an eternal perspective; since God is not bound by time. And since God is not bound by time; He has the ability to speak whatever into existence as if it already exist for whatever God speaks and predetermines into existence it already exist from God's perspective because of its certainty to come into existence. This is why God can assert that those He has chose before the foundation of the world are ALREADY in Christ; even to the point of those He has chose not having existed as of yet. 

In addition, Paul is stating that God chose US in Christ before the foundation of the world as BELONGING to Christ; even from eternity past. Or, in other words; God chose US in Christ before the foundation of the world as a "union" between His people who did not physically exist as of yet and His Son; albeit as an union CERTAIN to come to fruition "in time" according to His decree which was "before time". What God has decreed before time or creation will inevitably come to pass as a thing undoubtedly certain after creation for those whom He has foreknew and loved beforehand. Christ UNION with the Father's elect has ALWAYS been; there NEVER was a 'time' when the Elect of God or the sheep of Christ did not belong to them both. This possession of a particular people is entirely based upon the decree of God. 

Lastly, we, as the elect of God existed eternally; however only in the mind and plan of God. Before creation; the plan of God was to always create a particular people for Himself that would be carried out over a period of time or after creation. In other words, there was never a "time" when God did not have a particular people in mind to create for His own glory. God chose a people for Himself before the 'concept' of time had been established; hence, God's elect eternally existed. Mind you, the same Greek word (pro 4253) is used as it relates to "before the foundation of the world" relating to both man and the Son of God (ephesians 1:4 and 1 peter 1:20). Even though, however, God's Elect and God's Son both eternally existed - God's Son existed as an uncreated being while God's Elect of course as created beings; there remains a distinction between the two. Furthermore, God foreknew both; His Son and His Elect as eternally existing having been both eternally beloved by the Father in a favorable sense as to glorify Him regarding Christ work of redemption for His people.

By Aaron Fisher 

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