Saturday, September 16, 2023

Middle Knowledge? As in Molinism ..... is simply unbiblical.

     God's decision to create could not be based upon 'middle knowledge' because middle knowledge consist of man having "free will". This notion, is an impossibility seeing that Christ as the Sacrificial Lamb is the central focus point of all that entails and surrounds God's decree. Furthermore, I argue the most essential and main components that would not only carry out (initiate) God's decree but also bring it to fruition and fulfillment - are the eternal Convents of God. The eternal purposes of God are dependent upon these Covenants. These Covenants are not eternal in the same manner as God; being without a beginning or end; but they are eternal in the sense that they are inseperately associated with Christ, the Sacrificial Lamb who was foreknown by the Father before the foundation of the world. The covenants are eternal in so far as Christ is eternal and if the Convents are eternal, then so is God's purposes which derive from God's Covenants.

     So, seeing that God's purposes are eternal and that they are from before creation and no one can thwart God's eternal purposes or plan, then it is also impossibility for man to have "free will". For if this was to be true, then it would be possible for man to indeed thwart the will and purposes of God as it relates to what God has solely or unilaterally determined to fulfill by way of these Covenants.

     What would be the purpose for God having or using Middle Knowledge 'before He decide' to create if there is no 'free wil'l to do other than what God has already purposed to come to pass? Would Middle Knowledge that God supposedly possesses have a purpose if there was no free will?

     What would be the purpose for God using Middle Knowledge 'before He decide' to create if there is actually no other circumstance that man would operate under, to do other than - what God has already determined? Would Middle Knowledge have a purpose if there was no other circumstance that man could operate under other than what God has predetermined?


This is why there is no such thing as middle knowledge in the scriptures for middle knowledge would not serve any purpose with God!

I argue,

     Can God know what man would do under other circumstances? Sure He could. But the question is how would He know? I argue God could only know what man would do under different circumstances if He has predetermined what man would do under different circumstances. There is no "free will". What God predetermine man would do, man will indeed do because God's predetermination is based upon His decree which entails His eternal purposes according to the plan of God evolving around His Son, the Sacrificial Lamb - for His Elect whom He promised eternal life to before time. So in light of God having the ability to know what man would do under different circumstances, this notion, that man would do different under different circumstances would not nor could not happen for the purposes and plan of God is unchanging or rather fixed based upon His eternal decree. Middle knowledge is therefore unbilical!

By Aaron Fisher 

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