Saturday, September 30, 2023

Does God Decree Rape? The Rape of Tamar, King David's Daughter (2 Samuel 13).

First, what is the Decree of God? The decree of God - Is not so much as a command but rather a previous determination of God before the Creation of the world of what would come to pass as of certainty resulting from his divine council and will relating to His eternal purposes that will glorify Himself in all things.

Secondly, not to speak lightly of Tamar's rape but the rape was essentially a means to an end - which is the death of Amnon, David's son. You recall, God told David by the Prophet Nathan that the "sword would not depart from his household" as punishment/judgement for David's previous sins. David had slept with another man's wife (Basheba) and killed her husband. The Death of Amnon was because of what God predetermined would come to pass as a result; seeing that Ammon's death was pronounced before the rape as in the "sword should not depart from David's household". The rape of Tamar (as a means to an ultimate end) moved her brother Absalom to murder her other brother Amnon (2 Samuel 13:32) who had sexually violated her. Therefore, the rape of Tamar was decreed (determined beforehand) by God. Her rape DID NOT take God by surprise; it was according to His plan JUST AS the death of Ammon was! Tamar's rape was the means that God had determined to use in order to bring about the death of her brother Ammon for David's sin by the hands of Absalom her other brother.

By Aaron Fisher

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